Saturday, May 2, 2009


So it turns out the south has every kind of bug known to man. Today I let out a very loud bug scream. This is a particular scream that Ben knows means there is a ridiculous creature in the house. Today that creature was a scorpion. Yuck! I've had the heebie-jeebies all day!!! Someday I long to live in a place where there are less bugs and snakes.


Kristy said...

Oh jeez. That would have put me over the edge. Seriously. We have VERY large black spiders here that only show up once in a blue moon. They like damp, dark, cool areas, such as our basement where we play and I do laundry. I can't get near them. So there is a can of Raid that sits in the basement at all times that can spray from a pretty far distance with amazing accuracy. It would be on my list of "Things I Can't Live Without".

Misty said...

Ewww I had a scorpion in the house when we first moved in. Jeremy was in CT and Jack was just over a year old playing with chunky legos when I noticed what I thought was a fake bug. I hit it with a lego and it curled it's tail up and hissed at me. I went crazy beating it over and over again with the toy. I then hauled it's body over to the local college to find out from the science dept if I needed to move out of my house ;)

Matt said...

If there's anything I can say that might make you want to hang around a little longer in the south, I would. In fact, if you were to move to a cooler climate, I would almost feel certain that whatever creepy-crawlies live outside might try to come inside during the colder weather.

Just the same; I deal with spiders the same way I deal with uncontrollable ivy: Fire, and lots of it.

If it makes you feel any better, I can't find anything about any species of scorpions in georgia/northern fl that are poisonous.