Saturday, June 14, 2008

Baseball Game

So last Friday we all went to the River Dogs game for a Father's day gift for Ben. I had bought some cheap tickets on base, but we had to trade them in for actual seats once we got to the park. On Friday nights they also do fireworks so the line was crazy long. So we are standing there waiting and waiting, the girls are literally running in circles around us. Then some wonderful stranger walks by asking if anyone needs first you think scalper right? Not at a River Dogs game they never sell out. So we say we need tickets and he gives them to us for FREE!! What a deal! So we go right in and as we are handing the person our tickets to get in I over hear someone say there is only standing room only left. We were so far back in line we probably wouldn't have even gotten in.

So we get our large cup of boiled peanuts and some mystery beer and head for the seats. We watch the first few innings at our seats then Nora makes us some new friends by spilling her lemonade so we head over to the sand filled play area to watch the remainder of the game. This is great because the kids can run and play and we get to watch some of the game. Ben was also able to keep track of the Cubs on his fancy new phone he got for Father's Day.

So in the 9th inning we head back to our seats and countdown to the fireworks and the girls lose their minds. Apparently they aren't big fans of the fireworks and they are both crying hysterically. So we head out and miss the finale. That was a bummer, but it was very fun night in all!

Morgan eating her weight in boiled peanuts

Nora in the sand area

All of us just before the fireworks started

1 comment:

Miranda at Marz Haus said...

These pictures are cute. Go River Dogs!