Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Nashville Star

So in trying to fill the void that American Idol left in my life I thought I would check out Nashville Star. It was kind of like drinking Pepsi well, maybe not that bad. But one of the draws for me was Billy Ray (because I think he is funny in Hannah Montana...don't judge I have kids), but he leaves a little to be desired if you are used to Ryan Seacrest cracking jokes. Billy Ray just looks all nervous and has a hollow compliment for each act after they sing. As for the judges, Jewel is awesome. She really put John "the jerk" Rich in his place. Jeffrey Steele seems very laid back and very fair.

Even with all of that I think I do like the show. It will just take some getting used to, you know like living a new city. I like how it has groups as well as individuals. But what I like the most is that they sing good ole country music. Since this is the genre I am most familiar with I can actually tell if they are good or not without getting the nod from Ben.

Post a comment or send me an email if you think I should add the who I voted for feature again.

Happy tv watching!

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