Monday, January 19, 2009

So different

So I was picking up these apples the other day and it reminded me how different Nora and Morgan are. Nora is sensitive, thoughtful, serious, and adventurous. She likes princesses and the color purple. Morgan is really funny, easy going, likes to stay home and is very polite. Her favorite color is green and she loves babies. It is so fun to watch them grow and change and become individuals. I also love that no matter how different they are they still love each other and like to play together.Nora eats one strip all the way around and Morgan just keeps munching straight through.


Sunshine said...
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Sunshine said...

It's amazing how different siblings can be. They are both really sweet girls though. Kenneth wants them to come play soon. :o)

Kristy said...

Declan used to require that we peel his apples. Now, he eats only the skin. Well, that works out fine because Alana wants hers peeled. Once he's done with the apple, I give it to her and she finishes it.